It’s been a whole year so you’ve likely gotten very familiar with the interior of your home. It’s a good idea to fill it with positivity. Enter feng shui, the ancient Chinese practice that charts the balance of energy, or chi, via scientific calculations. The goal of feng shui is to invite positive chi into your home so that your life feels both energized and balanced, and it’s a relatively simple way to improve the vibes of your space.
While The Home Source Team is no expert, and the calculations really depend on your exact space, there are general guidelines. We’re here to inspire some good energy for making your at-home time as pleasant as possible.
Feng Shui Elements
The five important elements of feng shui are wood, metal, earth, water, and fire.
Symbolizes growth and vitality. Placing wood items in your space encourages personal growth. Plants and wooden furniture are easy ways to add this element.
Symbolizes logic and intelligence. It supports knowledge and mental sharpness. Add this element to your space with metal frames or sculptures.
Symbolizes stability and balance. It helps to ground and stabilize. Bring the earth element inside with rocks, crystals, and landscape imagery.
Symbolizes wisdom and serenity. It helps with clarity and relaxation. Mirrors, reflective surfaces, and aquariums are ways to add the water element to your space.
Symbolizes passion and energy. It’s representative of transformation, expansion, and volatility. Use candles and red objects to enhance your space with fire.
Define the Energy Map of Your Home
The Bagua or energy map of your home will serve as a blueprint, or a clear map as to what colors are used in specific rooms, what images are best in your home, how to position the furniture for best energy flow, etc. Knowing the Bagua is crucial to successful feng shui decorating, so be sure not to ignore this step.
General Feng Shui Decorating Tips
1. Make a good impression with your front door.
In order to attract energy into your home, you need a welcoming front door.
2. Clear the clutter.
Too much mess prevents the energy from flowing and also clutters your brain. A clean space gives you room to breathe and to clear your head.
3. Make use of crystals.
Use rose quartz for love, tourmaline for protection, or citrine for healing and wealth.
4. Make sure air and light can get in.
Since air is a key component to the very meaning of feng shui, it must be allowed in. A combination of natural light and air will bring in good energy and rejuvenation.
5. Place the bed and desk towards the doorways.
Facing the entrance increases power and minimizes vulnerability.
6. Add a natural element.
Decorate each room with a houseplant. Not only do they improve energy, but they also increase health and naturally purify the air.
Feng Shui Decorating Tips By Room
If you prefer to apply feng shui principles to a room rather than a whole house, here are some things to keep in mind.
Living Room
When designing your living room, begin with the largest piece of furniture you have (typically, a sofa). Make sure it faces a door or opening and is placed against a wall, ideally the one furthest from the entrance, and allow for a few inches of breathing room between.
If you have additional seating like a lounge chair, choose where to put it based on what is conducive for conversation. Try not to cramp the space. The goal is to create energy flow.
When deciding on a coffee table, try to avoid harsh angles. If a circle or oval feels too contrasting to the rest of your furniture, just contrast the shapes in the smaller elements as this creates better balance.
Use sheer window coverings to allow light in but prevent energy from escaping. If you prefer completely uncovered windows, try placing a plant nearby.
Adding red elements will help invigorate the room and help to energize.
Similar to the living room, start with your bed and place it far away from the doorway, but not directly facing it. Try to avoid having too many electrical components close to your sleeping space.
If possible, avoid putting a television in your private space. This often becomes the focal point of the room, which takes away from the calming energy.
Combine masculine and feminine details to make sure both parties are represented and a balance is established. If you have a metal or wooden bed frame, choose soft-colored linens.
Fill your bedroom with cozy material to invite restful, calming energy. Using hues in green and blue can add to this type of feeling. Clearing out whatever is under your bed also helps energy flow.
Home Office
The biggest tip for home office decor is removing the clutter. As much as 50 percent of your desk should be clear, which means it’s time to hide those cords!
Similar to the layout in the other rooms, position your desk facing the door because this gives you a position of power, which is important for your place of work or productivity.
Decorate this space with a few personal objects like a family photo and incorporate greenery as the energy from plants will help you stay focused. To invigorate the area, add red details.
In terms of color, use gentle yellows and greens to calm and center. Add earth tones for stability and flowers or a motto to remind you of what you need to accomplish.